The bi-weekly Link Stash, with some Links I found over the week. (This time a little late, was on vacation)

  • Numi
    Looks nice, really like the simple interface
  • chrony – Home
    Was testing alpine linux and think this is a cool NTP client
    Some people should use this before releasing a software with some hipster name ;)
  • Arranged for Mac
    This works quite nice, nagios and jira in the same browser window :)
  • Phoenix
    Was really looking into Elixir and that could be the Rails for it. Promising.
  • mdless
    I use Markdown for all my files, and it really helps to have a quick look in the terminal.
  • Artificial Intelligence for robots and swarms
    Was attending this workshop on the otsconf, and really like it.
  • Vysor
    This is really nice, using your Chrome to view your Android Smartphone

All of my links can be found on my Pinboard